Towards a well-typed plugin architecture

declare abstract class EnginePlugin<I = unknown, D = unknown> {
  createInterface?(ø: Record<string, unknown>): I
  getDependencies?(): D

type Defined<T> = T extends undefined ? never : T

type ExtractPlugins<T> = T extends Engine<infer PX> ? PX : never

type UnionToIntersection<U> = (
  U extends unknown ? (k: U) => void : never
) extends (k: infer I) => void
  ? I
  : never

type MergeInterfaces<
  E extends Engine,
  K extends keyof EnginePlugin,
> = UnionToIntersection<ReturnType<Defined<ExtractPlugins<E>[number][K]>>>

type Assume<T, U> = T extends U ? T : never

type GetDependencies<P extends EnginePlugin> = Assume<
  P extends EnginePlugin<unknown, infer D> ? D : never,

type PluginDependencyErrorMessage =
  `Plugin is missing one or more dependencies.`

type EnforceDependencies<
  E extends Engine,
  P extends EnginePlugin,
> = GetDependencies<P>[number] extends ExtractPlugins<E>[number]
  ? P
  : PluginDependencyErrorMessage

declare class Engine<PX extends EnginePlugin[] = []> {
  registerPlugin<P extends EnginePlugin>(
    plugin: EnforceDependencies<this, P>,
  ): asserts this is Engine<[...PX, P]>

  createInterface(): MergeInterfaces<this, "createInterface">

interface DogInterface {
  bark(): void

declare const DogPlugin: {
  new (): {
    createInterface(ø: Record<string, unknown>): DogInterface
  (ø: unknown): ø is DogInterface

interface CatInterface {
  meow(message: string): void

declare const CatPlugin: {
  new (): {
    super(): typeof CatPlugin
    createInterface(ø: Record<string, unknown>): CatInterface
  (ø: unknown): ø is CatInterface

interface PantherInterface {
  panther: {
    roar(): void

declare const PantherPlugin: {
  new (): {
    createInterface(ø: Record<string, unknown>): PantherInterface
  getDependencies(): [typeof CatPlugin]
  (ø: unknown): ø is PantherInterface

declare const engine: Engine

engine.registerPlugin(new DogPlugin())
engine.registerPlugin(new CatPlugin())
engine.registerPlugin(new PantherPlugin())

const ø = engine.createInterface()



if (DogPlugin(ø)) {

Towards a well-typed plugin architecture


There are many reasons why one might want to develop a plugin architecture. First and foremost amongst these is extensibility: the ability to add new functionality to a system without having to modify the existing codebase. This can be a very powerful tool, allowing developers to ship functionality as and when it is ready, rather than being forced to wait for a major release.

A well-designed plugin architecture can also promote code reuse. By encapsulating functionality within a plugin, it can be easily reused in other projects.

However, designing a good plugin architecture is not a trivial task. There are many issues to consider, such as how to manage dependencies between plugins, how to ensure that plugins can communicate with each other, and how to handle upgrades and downgrades.

In this article, we will explore one approach to designing a plugin architecture using the TypeScript programming language. We will see how to use TypeScript’s static type-checking to enforce dependencies between plugins, and how to generate type-safe APIs for communication between plugins.

An abstract EnginePlugin definition

We will start by defining an abstract EnginePlugin class. This class will serve as the base class for all plugins that we develop.

abstract class EnginePlugin<I = unknown, D = unknown> {
  createInterface?(ø: Record<string, unknown>): I
  getDependencies?(): D

The EnginePlugin class defines two abstract methods, createInterface and getDependencies. The createInterface method is responsible for creating an instance of the plugin’s interface. This instance will be used by the application to access the functionality provided by the plugin.

The getDependencies method is responsible for returning an array of dependencies that the plugin has on other plugins. These dependencies will be used to ensure that the plugin is only loaded if all of its dependencies are satisfied.

Why ø ?

We are using ø as a variable identifier to denote the central ‘composite interface’ as a result of total plugin registration. ø is convenient as it’s readily accessible on OSX keyboards [⌥+o] and is visually unique. Unicode identifiers can be controversial.

Extending EnginePlugin

Now that we have defined the EnginePlugin class, we can start to develop some concrete plugins. Let’s start by developing a plugin that provides a DogInterface. This interface will allow us to make a dog bark.

interface DogInterface {
  bark(): void

const DogPlugin: {
  new (): {
    createInterface(ø: Record<string, unknown>): DogInterface
  (ø: unknown): ø is DogInterface

Our DogPlugin is a simple JavaScript object that contains two properties. The first is a constructor function that creates an instance of the plugin’s interface. The second is a function that allows us to check if an object is an instance of the plugin’s interface.

Now that we have developed our plugin, we can use it to create an instance of the DogInterface.

const dog = new DogPlugin().createInterface()

dog.bark() // "woof!"

Managing plugin dependencies

Now that we have developed our first plugin, we can start to develop a second plugin that depends on the first. Let’s develop a plugin that provides a CatInterface. This interface will allow us to make a cat meow.

interface CatInterface {
  meow(message: string): void

const CatPlugin: {
  new (): {
    createInterface(ø: Record<string, unknown>): CatInterface
  (ø: unknown): ø is CatInterface

Our CatPlugin is very similar to our DogPlugin. It is a simple JavaScript object that contains a constructor function and a function for checking if an object is an instance of the plugin’s interface.

Now that we have developed our CatPlugin, we can use it to create an instance of the CatInterface.

const cat = new CatPlugin().createInterface()

cat.meow("meow!") // "meow!"

Now let’s develop a third plugin that depends on CatPlugin. This plugin will provide an interface for a panther.

interface PantherInterface {
  panther: {
    roar(): void

const PantherPlugin: {
  new (): {
    createInterface(ø: Record<string, unknown>): PantherInterface
  getDependencies(): [typeof CatPlugin]
  (ø: unknown): ø is PantherInterface

Our PantherPlugin is similar to our other plugins, but it introduces a new concept: plugin dependencies. The PantherPlugin declares a dependency on the CatPlugin by returning an array containing the CatPlugin from its getDependencies method.

This dependency will be used to ensure that the PantherPlugin is only loaded if the CatPlugin is also loaded - otherwise, an error will be omitted if we register PantherPlugin without first having registered CatPlugin.

Now that we have developed our PantherPlugin, we can use it to create an instance of the PantherInterface.

const panther = new PantherPlugin().createInterface()

panther.panther.roar() // "roar!"

Defining an Engine class

Now that we have developed some plugins, we need a way to load them into our application. We will do this by defining an Engine class.

declare class Engine<PX extends EnginePlugin[] = []> {
  registerPlugin<P extends EnginePlugin>(
    plugin: EnforceDependencies<this, P>,
  ): asserts this is Engine<[...PX, P]>

  createInterface(): MergeInterfaces<this, "createInterface">

Our Engine class is a generic class that takes a type parameter PX which represents the set of plugins that have been loaded into the engine. The registerPlugin method is used to register a new plugin with the engine. The createInterface method is used to create an instance of the engine’s interface. This instance will be used to access the functionality provided by the plugins.

Loading plugins into the Engine

Now that we have defined our Engine class, we can use it to load our plugins.

const engine = new Engine()

engine.registerPlugin(new DogPlugin())
engine.registerPlugin(new CatPlugin())
engine.registerPlugin(new PantherPlugin())

Accessing functionality from the Engine

Now that we have loaded our plugins into the Engine, we can use the Engine to access the functionality that they provide.

const ø = engine.createInterface()



In this article, we have seen how to use the TypeScript programming language to develop a well-typed plugin architecture. We have seen how to use TypeScript’s static type-checking to enforce dependencies between plugins, and how to generate type-safe APIs for communication between plugins.

Utility Types

In the definition of Engine, we have used a number of utility types that are defined in the following section.


The ExtractPlugins utility type is used to extract the set of plugins from an Engine instance.

type ExtractPlugins<T> = T extends Engine<infer PX> ? PX : never


The UnionToIntersection utility type is used to convert a union type to an intersection type.

type UnionToIntersection<U> = (
  U extends unknown ? (k: U) => void : never
) extends (k: infer I) => void
  ? I
  : never


The MergeInterfaces utility type is used to merge the interfaces of a set of plugins.

type MergeInterfaces<
  E extends Engine,
  K extends keyof EnginePlugin,
> = UnionToIntersection<ReturnType<Defined<ExtractPlugins<E>[number][K]>>>


The Defined utility type is used to remove undefined from a type.

type Defined<T> = T extends undefined ? never : T


The GetDependencies utility type is used to extract the dependencies of a plugin.

type GetDependencies<P extends EnginePlugin> = Assume<
  P extends EnginePlugin<unknown, infer D> ? D : never,


The EnforceDependencies utility type is used to ensure that a plugin’s dependencies are satisfied.

type EnforceDependencies<
  E extends Engine,
  P extends EnginePlugin,
> = GetDependencies<P>[number] extends ExtractPlugins<E>[number]
  ? P
  : PluginDependencyErrorMessage


The PluginDependencyErrorMessage type is used to provide a helpful error message when a plugin’s dependencies are not satisfied.

type PluginDependencyErrorMessage =
  `Plugin is missing one or more dependencies.`