Typesafe Function Composition
Do ya wanna know how to type function composition in Typescript? Read on!
- 1. Background
- 2. Typescript
- 3. Component Synthesis
- 4. Function Integration
- 5. Future Work: Constructive Approach
1. Background
Function composition is an operation that takes two functions, $f$ and $g$, and produces a new function $h$ such that $h(x) = g(f(x))$.
A typed function is a function that takes an input of a certain type and returns an output of a certain type. A type represents a set of values and the operations that can be performed on them.
When $f:: (A{\rightarrow}B)$ and $g:: (B{\rightarrow}C)$ are typed functions, composition preserves the types of the functions, so that if $f$ is a function that takes an input of type $A$ and returns an output of type $B$, and $g$ is a function that takes an input of type $B$ and returns an output of type $C$, then the composed function $h = f \circ g$ will take an input of type $A$ and return an output of type $C$.
Incompatible functions may not be composed if they do not have compatible type signatures. For example, if $f:: (A{\rightarrow}B)$ is a function that takes an input of type $A$ and returns an output of type $B$, and $f:: (C{\rightarrow}D)$ is a function that takes an input of type $C$ and returns an output of type $D$, then $f$ and $g$ are incompatible and cannot be composed, unless $C$ is a subtype of $B$.
Variadic composition is a type of function composition in which the number of functions being composed is not fixed. That is, given $n$ functions $f_1, f_2, \ldots, f_n$, the composed function $h$ is given by $h(x) = f_n(\ldots(f_2(f_1(x)))\ldots)$.
A tuple of functions are compatible if each consecutive pair is compatible, that is $(f_1, f_2), (f_2, f_3), \ldots, (f_{n-1}, f_n)$ are all compatible.
1.1. Type-theoretic Pseudocode
The following pseudocode is a minimally functional representation of the above specification for composable function tuples.
type IsComposable fx =
map each pair f g of fx
output(f) is a subtype of input(g)
A tuple of functions is composable if and only if for every pair of elements $(f, g)$, the output of $f$ is a subtype of the input of $g$.
2. Typescript
To begin writing the implementation of this specification, we can identify some common components to abstract out, that will make the implementation of our type easier.
By inspection, we can identity three components to start with:
Name | Description |
IsComposablePair | Takes in two functions, returning whether they may be validly composed. |
Every | Takes an tuple of boolean types, returning true iff all tuple elements are true , else returns false . |
Pair | Takes in a tuple, returning a tuple composed of all pairwise elements. e.g. $(a, b, c)$ becomes $((a, b), (b, c))$. |
2.1. IsComposablePair
To implement IsComposable, we need two more utility types: InputOf
and OutputOf
. We can implement both of these types using pattern matching.
type InputOf<T> = T extends (x: infer X) => unknown ? X : never;
type OutputOf<T> = T extends (x: never) => infer X ? X : never;
These types can also be constructed via built-ins
, but this is a convenient lesson on type-based pattern matching. See the associated section below.
2.1.1. Type-based Pattern Matching using infer
A conditional type in Typescript is composed of four clauses:
<operand> extends <matcher> ? <true_val> : <false_val>
The <matcher>
expression may contain one or more infer <type>
statements, which can be referenced in the <true_val>
Typescript will attempt to find the narrowest type possible that makes the <operand>
a subtype of the <matcher>
expression. If it can find a type such that <operand>
is a subtype of <matcher>
, the <true_val>
expression will be returned, else the <false_val>
expression will be returned.
2.1.2. IsComposablePair
For IsComposable
, it’s straightforward to use a conditional type (without infer
) to represent the subtype condition that we encoded in the specification above.
type IsComposablePair<F1, F2> = InputOf<F1> extends OutputOf<F2> ? true : false;
2.2. Every
The Every
type will take in a tuple of boolean types and return true
if and only if every element in its input is true
First though, we need an additional helper type, which will be a type-level analogue of ‘and’:
type And<T, U> = [T, U] extends [true, true] ? true : false;
To implement this in Typescript, we now need to use tuple-level recursion, which takes the following form:
type Every<T extends unknown[]> = T extends [infer Head, ...infer Rest]
? And<Head, Every<Rest>>
: true;
We infer the ‘head’ of the tuple (a functional programming term referring to the first element), as well as the ‘rest’ of the tuple. We then define Every
2.3. Pair
will be the most complex of our three component types.
type Pair<T extends unknown[]> = T extends [infer X1, infer X2, ...infer Rest]
? [[X1, X2], ...Pair<[X2, ...Rest]>]
: [];
3. Component Synthesis
With these utility functions, in the optimal case we could represent our type with something like the following (matching our pseudocode implementation):
type IsComposable<T> = Every<Map<Pair<T>, IsComposablePair>>; // wrong
Unfortunately, this representation is not directly available because Typescript has no built-in support for Higher-Kinded Types (or HKTs). In this case, the higher-kinded type I am trying to invoke above is Map.
Instead, we need to create our own alias type to implement the mapping operation:
type IsComposablePairMap<T extends [unknown, unknown][]> = {
[key in keyof T]: IsComposablePair<T[key][0], T[key][1]>;
Now, utilizing this type, we can finally create our IsComposable
type IsComposable<T extends unknown[]> = Every<IsComposablePairMap<Pair<T>>>;
This type checks if a given tuple type represents a variadic number of composable functions. However, it’s not immediately clear how to use this in a function signature in a useful way.
4. Function Integration
To fully integrate this type into a compose
function declaration, we need a few more utility types:
type Enforce<B, X> = B extends true ? X : never;
type Composable<T extends unknown[]> = Enforce<IsComposable<T>, T>;
type First<T extends unknown[]> = T[0];
type Last<T extends unknown[]> = T extends [...unknown[], infer L] ? L : never;
type Resolve<T extends unknown> = T;
type ComposedFunction<T extends unknown[]> = Resolve<
(x: InputOf<First<T>>) => OutputOf<Last<T>>
type’s purpose is to ensure that the return type ofcompose
is ultimately rendered (on hover) as the most resolved possible type.
With these, we can declare compose
as the following:
declare function compose<T extends unknown[]>(
...fx: Composable<T>
): ComposedFunction<T>;
This technique (called Enforce
) uses never
as a “sledgehammer” to force a type error to appear - however, it doesn’t result in particularly useful errors for the developer, aside from signalling that something with the types are wrong.
5. Future Work: Constructive Approach
It may be possible to slightly modify this implementation to improve type errors - instead of returning a boolean, search for the first non-compliant function, and transform its type into a compliant one.
That way, only the non-compliant function will be squiggled, and the error message will be of a more understandable form (i.e. not involving never