Progress and Understanding

A few philosophical musings on my path and the symbols that guide me.


Gaia - Γ

The female divinity, beauty, love, higher truth.

Yggdrasil - Ψ

The world tree. Groundedness, the Earth, physical reality. Male nature.

Phi - 𝛟

The divine, the transcendent, the higher truth.

My Path

$$ \boxed{\Phi \Gamma \Psi \rightarrow \emptyset \rightarrow \Phi} $$

$$ \left{ \begin{array}{l} \text{1. } \Gamma \text{ in body of } \Psi \ \text{2. } \Phi*\nabla \text{ in body of } \Psi \ \text{3. } \Phi*\nabla \text{ in body of } \Gamma \ \text{4. } \Phi_\nabla \text{ in body of } \Phi \ \end{array} \right. $$

$$ \Phi_\nabla \overset{\infty}{\rightsquigarrow} \Phi $$